IB THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE COORDINATOR - BD SOMANI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MUMBAI, My contact EMAIL (andrew.callahan@bdsint.org) (Please note this site uses Google cookies in compliance with EU Law. By using this site you accept that cookies are used here.)
Friday, December 27, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
UK Muslim society wants forced sex segregation in UK universities 10Dec13
Fascinating knowledge issue. Is it human rights for religious views or discrimination against female students?
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Can one person make a difference in our workld?
Growing up just a few yards from the Mississippi River and working as a commercial shell diver, Chad Pregracke grew outraged as he encountered countless abandoned barrels, cars, appliances, and other discarded items along the river. When he was just 17 he decided to do something about it and began cleaning up the river—at first, single-handedly, and a short while later with a growing crew and fleet of barges and equipment. Fifteen years and 550 community river cleanups later, Pregracke, his crew, and more than 70,000 volunteers across the country have removed over eight million pounds of garbage from the Mississippi and 16 other major rivers in the United States.
Pregracke has delivered more than 300 presentations to corporate, public, and student audiences worldwide, emerging as a strong, articulate, and passionate voice for making a difference, one person at a time.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
The Economist on India's Mars Mission (MANGALYAAN) - Pride or Science?
Emotion and Reason as Ways of Knowing. Does nationalism influence major decisions in countries and does it influence how we construct our knowledge (our point of view of knowledge too) about different events?
Here is a video on Pearl Harbour and Hiromshima and Nagasaki - did national pride influence these decisions?
Here is a video on Pearl Harbour and Hiromshima and Nagasaki - did national pride influence these decisions?
BBC - History of Indian Mathematics Part-1 of 2
Read the comments section for an example of emotion as a way of knowing.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
All Grade X1 Students - TOK Homework on History as Area of Knowledge
Theory of Knowledge Grade X1 Special Assessment: All students..
ESSAY TITLE : What is history as an Area of
Knowledge? /- Short Essay 450 -600 words. Due Date: Monday December 9th
This written assignment will include your
references to and reflections on:
Mr Gardner’s presentation on Monday
December 2nd.
What is history and
why is history important in everyone’s life?
The documentary “Lost in Flanders”
December 9th.
Here is a list of suggestions
You may also use other examples based
on your knowledge:
Are there examples from Indian history
where there are problems of knowledge? Different versions of the same
Problems of knowledge and knowledge
questions can include:
the problems of bias and the selective use of
history for propaganda, mixing history and politics in school textbooks, a
one-sided narrative of events, problems of authority and scholarship regarding
historians themselves.
How important are sources in history
especially when examining conspiracy theories? (JFK, Princess Diana, New York
Twin Towers terrorist attacks)
Do talk to your parents and
grandparents. Ask them what they think is important in history!
You are not expected to cover all the above points, they are there to help
guide you find your own voice on this topic.
Mr Andrew, Ms Meenakshy, Mr Declan, Mr Aneesh,
Mr Navros.
First World War - enthusiasm, mobilisation, technology, trenches.
Wilfred Owen's poetry comes in the latter stages of the war when bitterness at the incompetence of leaders, the horrific waste of young lives.
Another important point here was the realization that the optimism of MODERNISM, the Industrial Revolution, the spread of literacy and education, the advances in Science and Technology were not serving to improve humanity but to kill our fellow man more brutally, ruthlessly and efficiently. This is one of the sources of a general pessimism in twentieth century literature.
The fact that we had a second world war twenty years later with even more efficient brutality, aerial bombing of cities, the atomic bombs, the mass murders in the concentration camps helped create the literature of THE ABSURD, Existentialism, Postmodernism etc You can see this in "Waiting for Godot" and Bukowsky.
Another important point here was the realization that the optimism of MODERNISM, the Industrial Revolution, the spread of literacy and education, the advances in Science and Technology were not serving to improve humanity but to kill our fellow man more brutally, ruthlessly and efficiently. This is one of the sources of a general pessimism in twentieth century literature.
The fact that we had a second world war twenty years later with even more efficient brutality, aerial bombing of cities, the atomic bombs, the mass murders in the concentration camps helped create the literature of THE ABSURD, Existentialism, Postmodernism etc You can see this in "Waiting for Godot" and Bukowsky.
MIT: Are Mathematical Models the Cause for Financial Crisis in the Global Eco...
Areas of Knowledge: Mathematics, Human Sciences - Economics and Investing, Financial Products, Corporate Responsibility, Ethics.
Ways of Knowing, Emotion (Fear and Greed) and Reason (what is the evidence?), Language - was language recklessly to create euphemistic terms for new products?
Secondary knowledge issue: What role did the Credit Rating Agencies play in the crisis?
Quote from the presentation: 'Nobody really knew what they had or what it was worth.... the market had broken down.'
Ways of Knowing, Emotion (Fear and Greed) and Reason (what is the evidence?), Language - was language recklessly to create euphemistic terms for new products?
Secondary knowledge issue: What role did the Credit Rating Agencies play in the crisis?
Quote from the presentation: 'Nobody really knew what they had or what it was worth.... the market had broken down.'
Monday, December 2, 2013
Gender: is there evidence for differences in male and female brains?
How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently Than Women's Male brains have more connections within hemispheres to optimize motor skills, whereas female brains are more connected between hemispheres to combine analytical and intuitive thinking
Sunday, December 1, 2013
ETHICS and SCIENCE : It's time to question bio-engineering - do you know what scientists are doing today? Designing new animals in the lab
I had a strong negative reaction when I watched this video the first time. It was a combination of sense perception and emotion as ways of knowing that made me feel uncomfortable with the images and some of the ideas in the presentation. So what if some scientists start doing this with human beings? - from Mr C
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Bioethics
Director, Center for Ethics
Emory University.
Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D. is the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Bioethics, the Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Research Chair in Jewish Bioethics, a Professor in the Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Sociology, and the Director of the Center for Ethics at Emory University. Dr. Wolpe also serves as the first Senior Bioethicist for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), where he is responsible for formulating policy on bioethical issues and safeguarding research subjects. He is Co-Editor of the American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), the premier scholarly journal in bioethics, and Editor of AJOB Neuroscience, and sits on the editorial boards of over a dozen professional journals in medicine and ethics. Dr Wolpe is a past President of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities; a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, the country’s oldest medical society; a Fellow of the Hastings Center, the oldest bioethics institute in America; and was the first National Bioethics Advisor to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Ethics
Emory University.
Paul Root Wolpe, Ph.D. is the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Bioethics, the Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Research Chair in Jewish Bioethics, a Professor in the Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Sociology, and the Director of the Center for Ethics at Emory University. Dr. Wolpe also serves as the first Senior Bioethicist for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), where he is responsible for formulating policy on bioethical issues and safeguarding research subjects. He is Co-Editor of the American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), the premier scholarly journal in bioethics, and Editor of AJOB Neuroscience, and sits on the editorial boards of over a dozen professional journals in medicine and ethics. Dr Wolpe is a past President of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities; a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, the country’s oldest medical society; a Fellow of the Hastings Center, the oldest bioethics institute in America; and was the first National Bioethics Advisor to Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
World Aids Day 2013 - International SOS (+playlist)
HIV infection is still with us 30 years after the virus was first identified. It must be said that abstinence from risky behaviour is the best protection of your health. Love and sex should go together in a loving stable relationship with one partner in marriage. Risky behaviour and poor choices are not the only causes of HIV infection. In the past people have been infected by tainted blood transfusions in hospitals, which raises a host of questions for us as students of TOK.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Who defines the ethics of sport? Is there a difference between amateur sport and professional sport? Is winning at all costs ruining the idea of 'fair play' in sport? What about other forms of cheating in sport? How can we know the truth about fair play in sport?
Sunday, November 24, 2013
In Pakistan, vaccinating children against polio can be a deadly job
This is sad but accurate example of EMOTION as a WOK. The gunmen hate foreigners. Their emotion of hate leads them to believe that foreign NGOs even the UN are not there to help local people. So they kill the medical workers. The victor is the disease of polio and the losers are the children. Do you think any amount of medical evidence would convince the gunmen to stop - if so why and if not then why not?
Freshwater Conservation in Haizishan Region - Conservation International...
Tibet clean up and conservation through education.
What is Sustainability? (CIPS and EFMD business education video)
Knowledge Question: What is the evidence that we can balance the need for development with the need to protect the environment through conservation and sustainable development. For a Real Life Situation one could take Singapore which has many new initiatives in this area.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
JFK -The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy
The President Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy - an excellent BBC Documentary but there are disturbing images of the president being shot. This video is not suitable for children or people of a sensitive disposition. A lot of discussion is about the shots and the angle of the wounds.
COUNTER - CLAIMS :You can read a critical counter claim to the documentary here:
The President Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy - an excellent BBC Documentary but there are disturbing images of the president being shot. This video is not suitable for children or people of a sensitive disposition. A lot of discussion is about the shots and the angle of the wounds.
COUNTER - CLAIMS :You can read a critical counter claim to the documentary here:
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society Prof Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim
Not an easy book but a very rewarding book for those interested in music and society. These free-wheeling, often exhilarating dialogues—which grew out of the acclaimed Carnegie Hall Talks—are an exchange between two of the most prominent figures in contemporary culture: Daniel Barenboim, internationally renowned conductor and pianist, and the laet Edward W. Said, eminent literary critic and impassioned commentator on the Middle East. Barenboim is an Argentinian-Israeli and Said a Palestinian-American; they are also close friends.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
What is Holocaust Denial? What are the knowledge issues surrounding the holocaust of World War 2?
Many crimes are committed in wartime. Few countries are exempt from blame.
But the Holocaust is different because it was organised by a leader who had been originally elected and by the whole state apparatus. Civil servants, police, army, engineers and the corporate world were involved in slave labour and finally extermination. The other appalling aspect of the genocide, is that the Nazis embraced modern technology to document, transport, rob and then murder the Jewish families of Europe.
Many in the nineteenth century had optimistically believed that improvements in literacy rates and improvements in medicine and technology would usher in a new era of human development and decency.
World War 1 dashed those hopes and it bred the heartlessness that is clear in Hitler's speeches and writings.
This did not happen during the era of Caesar or Genghis Khan, this happened in living memory in the land of Goethe and Beethoven in the heart of 'civilized and cultured' Europe. It was also carried out by a nation that celebrated Christmas by a people who largely considered themselves Christian (though not Hitler or Martin Bormann who despised Christ in private but not in public.)
How can we know the truth about the Holocaust and about Holocaust Denial?
David Irving once a respected writer on World War 2 destroyed his credibility and his career through Holocaust Denial. A British citizen who is fluent in German, he was a master at tracing primary sources in the West German archives. At some point while studying Hitler he seems to have lost his objectivity and become 'seduced' by the object of his studies, Hitler and his Third Reich.
Here are some sources for you to investigate the holocaust and its denial as a Knowledge Issue:
Click on this link for excellent page on Holocaust Denial : http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial
Even to enter into the arena of debate on whether the Nazis carried out such atrocities is already to lose one's humanity.
—Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent |
- That the Final Solution was in fact not the genocide of the Jewish people, but rather the expulsion of Jews from Germany
- That 6,000,000 is a gross exaggeration of the Jewish death count
- That the Nuremberg testimonies from Germans were extracted by torture
- That the Jews just made everything up to gain the world's sympathy
- That the gas chambers used by the Nazis were actually delousing stations.
- That death counts for other groups (such as gypsies or homosexuals) are exaggerated, that they were not included in the Holocaust, or that they were among those who carried it out.
Final point from Mr C: If there was no organised holocaust of the Jewish people and others groups, why would the German people denounce this version of history which naturally is a shameful chapter in their past? Why is their no statue of Hitler in Germany when there is a beautiful memorial to Napoleon in Paris? May one say that Hitler was not just another conqueror like Napoleon or Caesar? At the end of World War 1, the Kaiser did not feel the need to kill himself because his crimes were on a par with other leaders in that terrible conflict. Hitler knew what awaited him and many of the top Nazis killed themselves including Himmler, Goebbels and Goering. Even Goering denied that he knew about the holocaust until his signature was found on key documents
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Topic: American Gun Laws - Knowledge Question: Will gun control laws reduce gun homicides in the USA?
Three videos: Video 1 seems to justify gun ownership. The second video is a British Commentator who thinks American's love their guns! (Warning some rude and vulgar language.) There is some appalling anti-British stand up comedy in the second video. The third video is another pro-gun video.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Qatar treatment of Foreign Workers - World Cup hosting and ethics - Human Rights Watch
Is Qatar a suitable country to host the World Cup? Human Rights and Ethics, treatment of foreign workers.
Monday, November 11, 2013
The California Institute for Social Business in Collaboration with Muham...
How important is the Micro Credit Movement in lifting people out of poverty? Knowledge Question: How many countries have embraced this model for working to empower the poor in their own countries?
What are the WOK and AOK in this real life situation?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Knowledge Issues or Knowledge Questions are all around us .... Human Sciences - Urban Planning for example
Possible Oral Topic: How can we know if the vision of Mumbai first can be realised given the special challenges facing the city?
Knowledge Issue: What are the models of success in modern India that can point to a resolution of this topic?
What are the obstacles to success?
What can the coming generation of young Indian graduates contribute to the mix of public and private enterprise envisoned for the future?
Connections: Look at the role of transport in Shanghai, Singapore and Mumbai and ask if the obsession with private cars can be addressed in urban planning issues.
NOTE : The IB encourages students to look at local issues, not just Hitler or Galileo, which are over-used and become cliches in some cases.
You can look at issues based on YOUR experience within the IB curriculum and in daily life. This includes CAS, subject classes, MUN, conversations with classmates, work experience, summer college camps, personal reflections in your TOK Journal. This is the personal knowledge we experience in our own lives and is also shared in public spaces with the wider community.
First is an initiative to make the city a better place to live, work
and invest in. It aims to serve the city with the best that private
business can offer. It will achieve this by addressing the problems of
today and the opportunities of tomorrow,
through partnerships with government,
business and civil society.
Possible Oral Topic: How can we know if the vision of Mumbai first can be realised given the special challenges facing the city?
Knowledge Issue: What are the models of success in modern India that can point to a resolution of this topic?
What are the obstacles to success?
What can the coming generation of young Indian graduates contribute to the mix of public and private enterprise envisoned for the future?
Connections: Look at the role of transport in Shanghai, Singapore and Mumbai and ask if the obsession with private cars can be addressed in urban planning issues.
NOTE : The IB encourages students to look at local issues, not just Hitler or Galileo, which are over-used and become cliches in some cases.
You can look at issues based on YOUR experience within the IB curriculum and in daily life. This includes CAS, subject classes, MUN, conversations with classmates, work experience, summer college camps, personal reflections in your TOK Journal. This is the personal knowledge we experience in our own lives and is also shared in public spaces with the wider community.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Knowledge issues
Knowledge issues are questions that directly refer to our understanding of the world, ourselves and
others, in connection with the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of knowledge.
These issues are intended to open to inquiry and exploration not only problems but also strengths of
knowledge. Students sometimes overlook the positive value of different kinds of knowledge, and the
discriminatory power of methods used to search for knowledge, to question it, and to establish its validity.
Knowledge issues can reveal how knowledge can be a benefit, a gift, a pleasure and a basis for further
thought and action, just as they can uncover the possible uncertainties, biases in approach, or limitations
relating to knowledge, ways of knowing, and the methods of verification and justification appropriate
in different areas of knowledge.
Example of Knowledge Issue or Question: Can the Golden Ration of Mathematics be applied to our ideas of beauty in men and women?
Knowledge issues are questions that directly refer to our understanding of the world, ourselves and
others, in connection with the acquisition, search for, production, shaping and acceptance of knowledge.
These issues are intended to open to inquiry and exploration not only problems but also strengths of
knowledge. Students sometimes overlook the positive value of different kinds of knowledge, and the
discriminatory power of methods used to search for knowledge, to question it, and to establish its validity.
Knowledge issues can reveal how knowledge can be a benefit, a gift, a pleasure and a basis for further
thought and action, just as they can uncover the possible uncertainties, biases in approach, or limitations
relating to knowledge, ways of knowing, and the methods of verification and justification appropriate
in different areas of knowledge.
Example of Knowledge Issue or Question: Can the Golden Ration of Mathematics be applied to our ideas of beauty in men and women?
Thursday, November 7, 2013
May 2014 TOK essay titles and online resources
May 2014 TOK essay titles
Your theory of knowledge essay for examination must be submitted to your
teacher for authentication. It must be written on one of the six titles
(questions) provided below. You may choose any title, but are
recommended to consult with your teacher. Your essay will be marked
according to the assessment criteria published in the Theory of
Knowledge guide. The focus of your essays should be on knowledge issues.
Where appropriate, refer to other parts of your IB programme and to
your experiences as a knower. Always justify your statements and provide
relevant examples to illustrate your arguments. Pay attention to the
implications of your arguments, and remember to consider what can be
said against them. If you use external sources, cite them according to a
recognized convention. Note that statements in quotations in these
titles are not necessarily authentic: they present a real point of view
but may not be direct quotes. It is appropriate to analyse them but it
is unnecessary, even unwise, to spend time on researching a context for
Your essay must be between 1200 and 1600 words in length, double spaced and typed in
size 12 font. Use MLA referencing.
1. Ethical judgements limit the methods available
in the production of knowledge in both the arts and the natural sciences.
2. “When the only tool you have is a hammer, all
problems begin to resemble nails” (Abraham Maslow). How might this apply to
ways of knowing, as tools, in the pursuit of knowledge?
3. “Knowledge is nothing more than the systematic
organisation of facts.” Discuss this statement in relation to two areas of
4. “That which is accepted as knowledge today is
sometimes discarded tomorrow.”
5. “The historian’s task is to understand the past;
the human scientist, by contrast, is looking to change the future.” To what
extent is this true in these areas of knowledge?
6. “A skeptic is one who is willing to question any
knowledge claim, asking for clarity in definition, consistency in logic and
adequacy of evidence” (adapted from Paul Kurtz, 1994). Evaluate this approach
in two areas of knowledge.
Fantastic Online Resources - How to ace the essay!
I am indebted to the teachers who have shared these ideas generously on their blogs. I hope my blog is occasionally helpful to teachers and students across the globe in the IB Learning Community. We all share this marvellous journey in Theory of Knowledge.
Our students in BD Somani International School have each been issued with a planning package in May and with a second planning package in October 2013.
Classroom focus for Grade 12 TOK November - December - Students will present their TOK Oral Presentation and finalise the title of their essay in November and first draft before December Break.
I am indebted to the teachers who have shared these ideas generously on their blogs. I hope my blog is occasionally helpful to teachers and students across the globe in the IB Learning Community. We all share this marvellous journey in Theory of Knowledge.
Our students in BD Somani International School have each been issued with a planning package in May and with a second planning package in October 2013.
Classroom focus for Grade 12 TOK November - December - Students will present their TOK Oral Presentation and finalise the title of their essay in November and first draft before December Break.
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A special welcome to our incoming IB Grade X1 class, who are already working with teachers on our Pre- IB Introductory Course. ALL STU...
Each Grade 11 Student will post 100-150 words as Personal Reflection inspired by their visit to the Art Exhibition. Our Central Knowledge ...