Monday, December 5, 2011

BBC-Race to the Top of the World - China and India - comments welcome


  1. India has far too many people in extreme poverty for it to grow faster or even overtake China by any means, atleast in the near future.
    With a corrupt, faulty government, poor administration and an insanely high population growth, the chances of India developing in its core rural areas are very less.

  2. Well thanks for that Anmol, but as you saw China has huge problems with rural poor and migrant workers's good to be proud of all India has achieved in lifting so many out of poverty too, the BBC do raise an interesting point about democracy versus dictatorship and also generally the programme seemed slightly biased towards India in its praise of 'innovation' versus Chinese copying of others' designs...on the other hand it's important to be able to be critical of our own society and in a democracy we can do that but not in a dictatorship.... during the holidays watch the 2 hour special on my youtube channel ..'The Chinese are coming..." .... it's critical and brilliant and mind-bogggling....


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