Saturday, June 2, 2012

9/11 - Why the conspiracy groups replay news reports in a selective and manipulative fashion

After the first plane crashed into WTC, it was now a major news story of what many people assumed was an accident. CNN ran the story as 'breaking news' and I was one of those watching live when the second plane crashed into the second twin tower.
Once the second plane crashed into the WTC, everyone knew it was a coordinated terrorist attack. CNN and the BBC covered the aftermath live on cable news tv all day and of course there were errors and mistakes during that awful day. As you can see on this report, there was some panic, reports of car bombs and fires and many people thought there were more bombs inside the Towers. It is safe to assume that there were small explosions of gas or electric utilities or even beams falling. What does an explosion sound like? Could it not be an explosion caused by the fire and aviation fuel, electric cables etc
Later, enterprising groups in the conspiracy movement replay those hasty media reports and mistakes to indicate that the media reported something which was true but later covered up. This is nonsense but dangerous nonsense. One of the major talking points is that WT7 fell down although it was not hit directly by a plane. However, large chunks of the Twin Towers fell on WT7 and here you can see that the fire department predicted it would collapse after several hours, which it truly did.

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