- What is the Radical Right in the USA? They are small in number but dangerous because they are armed and dangerous and they hide behind the 'right to bear arms' guaranteed in the ancient Second Amendment of the American Constitution.
- There are many different groups. Some are extreme Christian groups, these groups hate secular values and the separation of church and state.
- Some are "SURVIVALISTS" who form paramilitary organisations in rural America, convinced one day that Communism or some other ideology will take over America and they will 'rescue' the country by force of arms. They are often described as 'militias'.
- Some are American Nazis who follow Hitler's toxic ideology of racism.
- Because of the Second Amendment (the right of citizens to bear arms dating back to the 1700s) they operate legally, wear uniforms and train on weekends. Most do not take their 'fight' beyond pamphlets and weekend miliatry camps but TIMOTHY MCVEIGH went further and drove a truck bomb into a Federal Building in Oklahoma in 1996.
- All these different groups, including American Nazi groups are united in one thing - they hate their own government in Washington. They have a special hatred for the FBI, ATF and other Federal Law Officers.
- Ironically, these groups consider themselves 'patriots' and just as George Washington raised a civilian army to fight the British in American, they believe that one day they will overthrow the government in Washington. Why? They believe the Federal Government is part of a world-wide conspiracy of Jews and Communists who 'want to destroy the American way of life'. This is nonsense of course but as we know from TOK emotional belief systems are not open to logical debate. Do they offer any proof of their claims? Oh yes! They believe that the Federal Government want to take away their guns so that they can control the citizens more easily. That is why they love their guns.
- There is a 1988 feature film, "Betrayed" starring Tom Berenger which is loosely based on these right-wing militia groups.
THE INSANITY OF THE AMERICAN ULTR-CONSERVATIVE RIGHT WING AND TWO OF THEIR HATE POSTERS. Above their absurd claims about President Obama and below a leaflet issued by those 'patriots' against the great President Kennedy. The climate of hate generated around President Kennedy was just that of a vocal deranged minority. The film clips of the President's trip to Dallas show that he was loved by the vast majority of Americans.
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