Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Terri Schiavo Documentary: The Case's Enduring Legacy | Retro Report | T...


  1. i found this video very interesting but disturbing. Interesting as this video addresses a rare issue which has now become popular and was disturbed by the fact that this issue was still debatable in the start.as mentioned it had become a huge newsflash. however in my opinion there should have been one way of reacting to such a situation that is to let Terri down by simple and non-painful ways as letting her live like that was i itself inhumane.

    1. After watching the video clips, I realised the different variety of perspectives that are occurring towards one topic, wherever to remove the tube or not. One being the parents, who fight their best in order to try and save their daughter's life. The general crowd who also follow the same point of view, and believed that the tube should not have been removed. Interestingly, we can see how the husband has a more practical approach to the topic and prefers removing the tube to prevent her from staying in a "vegetative state", and that's where his perspective links with the perspective of science. But would it be ethical to medically claim that the patient's life is over?


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