Friday, September 16, 2016

Terri Schiavo Documentary: The Case's Enduring Legacy | Retro Report | T...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I sympathise for people like Terri Schiavo, because back in 2003, we do not know whether she would be willing to give her life up after reaching the vegetative state. Maybe, legally, when she had the ability of making a choice, she chose to get rid of the feeding tube, but eventually, the involvement of Politics created more confusion according to me. I hope our advancement in technology would allow patients like Terri to communicate with us and give their opinion because their opinion is what matters most at the end of the day. I do have a keen interest in biology as a subject, and this case has a scientific approach and background which i liked the most. Thank you for such an interesting post, sir.

  3. I am strongly touched by this video and I feel that Terri Schiavo's feeding tube should not have been removed. With the advancement of technology and scientific research, there were chances that Terri could have survived and returned to normalcy. I assume if Terri could communicate, she too would want to survive and lead her life like before. I really like this video Sir because it gave me a chance to ponder upon something I have never heard of previously.


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