Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Belief Instinct: Cognitive Religious Studies with Jesse Bering

Thanks to Jhanvi Patel for sending me this video.

1 comment:

  1. This video provides an insight on human behaviour through the experiment that is conducted, the 6-7 year old children were first put in an empty room and they played the game but at first none of them cheated but after realising that they were alone most of them cheated. In the second experiment, the children were told about that there was an invisible princess sitting on the chair next to them while they were playing the game, this time none of them cheated as they bribed what was told to them. This experiment not only relates to children but also to adults who believe what they are told even if there is not factual evidence to prove it. This relates to faith as a way of knowing and the sense perception of the person.


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