Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How Did Latin Become A Dead Language?


  1. knowledge is not constant, and changes with time, similarly latin as a language also changed, and began adapting with its time, and therefore evolved into french, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, similarly several years later, english will too adapt with time, and might breakdown into several more languages. this usually happens because our interpretation of language changes over time, and our perspective of understanding phrases, sentences and words, is constantly evolving, resulting in the creation of new languages over time, and death of much older languages.

  2. This video was really interesting to watch since Latin, which is presumed to be "dead" is still living amongst languages such as Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Latin, a complex language which was modified based on tense, aspect, number, person slowly evolved over a period of time and gave birth to various new languages. Another interesting fact I noticed is that how people from different countries (France, Spain, Italy) of the same continent broke the phrases, sentences, words of one language into several different languages; showing similarities as well as differences at the same time. This just show the multiple perspectives and interpretations of people can lead to a vast change!

  3. The video gives rise to the knowledge question: To what extent does the use of a particular language, impact the process of acquiring knowledge using it?
    In the video, it is said, that we still use Latin in technical fields and for naming, describing and identifying things, because Latin being a "dead" language, is not subject to changes due to the influence of popular culture. Latin therefore may not need to conform to the changing meanings of words in a language due to popular culture. This gives rise to a knowledge question: To what extent is language, as a way of knowing, dynamic?
    The video also spoke about the breakdown of Latin into languages, such as French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian, which was caused due to the breakdown of the Roman empire. This gives rise to the knowledge question: How do socio-cultural factors impact the use of language as a way of knowing for a knower?
    This knowledge question is important, because this shows us how the end of the Roman empire led to the breakdown of Latin. The new languages that came up, were now commonly spoke, and subject to changes because of the prevailing popular culture.
    Therefore, we can see how the breakdown of Latin, as a way of knowing, takes us in cycles and loops of knowledge questions.


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